Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another Triangle

Retired Armed Force Serviceman Reports UFO over Oregon

Numerous Unknown Objects Seen over Oregon - Retired Military Man Reports

V-shaped UFO - B J Booth
Depiction of Oregon Sighting.  B J Booth
The following report was made by a man who is retired from the Armed Forces, and highly regarded for his expertise in the identification of flying craft. The culprit in this case is the enigmatic triangle, which is a mystery unto itself. The triangles have had much said about them, including the following articles: The Mystery of the Triangles, The Triangles: UFOs or Experimental Craft, Father and Son Witness Triangle over Lake Michigan and Recent Triangle Reports.
Shape: Triangle - Duration: 2 hours - strange colored lights, transparent pie pan-shaped object, large triangular craft with glowing lights. July 27th, 2014, approximately 10 pm... After receiving a call from a co-worker, I stepped out to my backyard to observe the skies southeast of my home in Oak Grove, Oregon. The following account documents my observations over the next 2 hours.
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Milwaukie, Oregon - 07-27-14
Within minutes, I spotted over a half dozen stationary objects in what appeared to be a "V" type formation, in symmetrical and near perfect alignment. Using my binoculars and a tripod to steady my view, I concluded these things were motionless, and displayed in common, a distinct array of multi-colored flickering lights, green, red and yellow.
Within the first 20 minutes 2 additional objects appeared from the south taking positions flanking the formations southeast wing. These two objects appeared more distant than the others and not as bright, still displaying colored lights and assuming symmetrical positions in reference to the other objects. Separate from the formation was an object with the same features including the colored lights in a stationary position. This object was positioned more north from the other objects and shined brighter.
Another Type of Object
During my observation of this activity, I was drawn to observe an entirely different type of object which appeared much closer to my home and much larger as it moved from dead south in a northwesterly direction. Its elevation was extremely low, and it was traveling at a low rate of speed very similar to the way the Goodyear blimp might travel. 
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Because of its low proximity to the ground I was only able to observe it briefly, as it passed by the trees across from my home, obstructing my view. I would describe its shape to be similar to that of the bottom of a pie pan. The entire shape was lit up as if its exterior was amplifying a bright light from within. I made no further observations of this object for the remainder of the evening.
V-shaped Object Seen
At approximately 11:30 pm I made the most astounding observation. Appearing from the south directly headed over my home and my neighbors I saw two lights approaching my location in a direct south to north flight path. As it approached I was able to get a clear view as it passed directly overhead. Its frame was shaped like a "V" bearing one large, dimly lit, milky white spherical light, toward the outer most portion of each wing. 
These lights were not projecting any light they were more or less just a steady glow, with no fluctuating characteristics. I can only guess that this craft was flying at an altitude near 3000 to 5000 feet. I could make out its shape as it displaced the background of the sky above me.
As for its size, it appeared larger than anything I've ever seen, military or otherwise. What also seems very strange is that as this craft moved in a slow steady northward direction, it made absolutely no sound; no sound whatsoever.
Another Night's Sighting
Curious about the previous night’s observations, I decided to observe the skies again the following night at 9:30 pm, making similar observations with the stationary lights "V" type formation. This time there weren't as many. I counted five, one in the center, flanked by two on either side set apart by identical distance, each bearing the same colored light signatures.
As with the night before, there was one singular object shining brightly above my house, slightly westward. I woke up at 4 am and stepped out to see if the lights were still there, only to find they were nowhere to be found.

Posted but not written by Louis Sheehan

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