Monday, June 30, 2014

Dinos straddled line between cold- and warm-blooded

[ My intention with my blog is to simply collect articles of interest to me for purposes of future reference.  I do my best to indicate who has actually composed the articles. NONE of the articles have been written by me.  – Louis Sheehan ]

Dinos straddled line between cold- and warm-blooded

Ancient creatures’ metabolisms were more like those of tuna, not birds or reptiles

MIDDLE OF THE PACK  Dinosaurs’ metabolisms fit somewhere in between cold-blooded reptiles and warm-blooded mammals and birds, a new analysis of growth rate and energy-use data suggests.
Dinosaurs weren’t quite like cold-blooded reptiles, but they weren’t like warm-blooded birds either. Instead, they fell smack-dab in the middle.
Comparisons with modern animals reveal that dinosaurs’ metabolisms probably resembled those of great white sharks, researchers report in the June 13 Science.
The findings offer new clues into how the animals lived and also rekindle a longstanding debate. “This paper will make us go back to the drawing board,” says paleobiologist Martin Sander of the University of Bonn in Germany.

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